• Current M&E Roster

  • Discussion about the M&E, RVRR and SIRR lines of New Jersey, and also the Maine Eastern operation in Maine. Official web site can be found here: www.merail.com.
Discussion about the M&E, RVRR and SIRR lines of New Jersey, and also the Maine Eastern operation in Maine. Official web site can be found here: www.merail.com.

Moderators: GOLDEN-ARM, cjl330, mikec

  by therudycometh
21 is off Troy Hills Road at the new transload facility.
  by riffian
Is there any substance to the report that the 18 may go to the Illinois Railway Museum to be reincarnated as TP&W 800?
  by thebigham
The Illinois Railway Museum want to buy it, but need $60k.

Supposedly a scrap dealer has offered the M&E $50k for #18.
  by riffian
Haven't heard anything about the new (old) MP15s, nor anything recently about the GP-7/9s. Are they all in service? Have they been repainted? A current rundown on M&E loco assignments would be greatly appreciated.
  by mandealco
I'm probably not quite up to date myself, but from 12,000 miles away, I'll try to answer.
Only one of the B&A Geeps has been painted and put in service, #23 is at Bayway. Judging by the oil stains visible on the hood in a couple of photos, all is not well with the 23. Maybe this is what prompted them to get more modern power in the MP-15s.

So we have at Morristown, the awesome 18, plus 20 and 2354, 764 would also appear to be operational.

At Bayway there is Geep 23 and MP-15 2408, is the black SSB also still there?

In storage waiting for a call to service is the third MP-15. Also stored are the other Geeps and 3574 (serviceable) & 4204, plus 19 and 21. So still 5 Alco's on the property, though only 18 is active. Too many EMD's for this Alco fan, but as long as 19 gets preserved, I can still keep my user name!
  by riffian
Belated thanks for the power update. Anyone have information on the number of crews (jobs) regularly called on a daily basis and start times. Thanks again.
  by backroadrails
What is the current roster of the M&E? I haven’t seen any updates in over a year.
Been wondering the same thing myself. I saw #18 working the other week, so I guess the rumor that it was going to be retired by the end of 2017 has proven untrue? Anyone know of the plans for the last active Alco on the M&E?
  by backroadrails
I remember hearing IRM was trying to buy it.
  by cnj1524
18 has been sold to IRM,still at morristown inside shop
  by DogBert
Many of the ex NS cab enders outside the shop last weekend, along with 4202. Safe to assume 4202 is also for sale?
  by Teutobergerwald
Confirmed on the Illinois Railway Museum's website that they bought the #18.
  by MERailFanJay
The newest pictures of 488/489 make my heart sink. They were so beautiful back in the MERR days.
  by riffian
Any updates on M&E roster. Still have units for sale?
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