by DogBert
MNR's #1 Conductor wrote: Hope you all like!! Oak Point is quite a good photo location!! NO TRESPASSING UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!! My photos were all done from public locations such as sidewalks and roadside, and the SD40-2 up close shots were done from a lot and sidewalk area alongside Bruckner Blvd. service road, also using much lens zoom!!!! DO NOT VENTURE ANYWHERE BEYOND THE FENCING!! NYPD and Amtrak PD patrol regularly, and they were around on this day!! Nothing was said to me, though I was watched!! Keep it legal and safe, folks!! If the law don't scare you from trespassing, I hope the thought of meeting your maker as the business end of one of these bad girls or the Amtrak bad girls will scare you!!Good photos. You forget to mention csx's has their own PD in the yard. They got a dog and they let that sucker loose on perps. NYPD always drops by to, uhm, 'use the facilities'...
Lots of thieves trying to get at the beer cars, so you really don't want be near that. The streets are generally safe and calm around there though. Looks a lot more rough around then edges than it is.
Still haven't seen the 60s go to the island, but the only run i've seen this week has been today. maybe i missed something.