by Larry
I watched CSO-5 I believe go up South Windsor line and deliver one car of wood for customer just short of Burnham St crossing and then went north to drop off 5 cars for CNZR near Sullivan Road crossing. They picked up two empties from that run around. I wish they could also deliver cars to New England Silica like they used to. I tried calling G&W but can't get in touch with anyone in the marketing department. I did talk last year to NE Silica and they said they would be open to deliveries but the siding was out of service. CSO said back then that the customer needs to pay for fixing the siding to get service again. To bad as these were good customers in the pass. Manchester line past School St in E. Hartford toward Manchester is rusting away with no customers and the line blockade just west of School Street crossing. I know there is potential on this line as well.