by Yellowspoon
Where is the value of a Charlie Card (or ticket) stored? Are all fare boxes/gates in direct communication with a central computer al all times?
This may have been discussed before, but 1600 posts are a bit much to wade through.
Once, I checked the value of my Charlie Card (CC) before I boarded a train at Waban. I alighted at Copley. When I entered at Copley for another trip, the fare gate said some gibberish that I don't remember. When I alighted at Brookline Hills, I decided to check the value of my CC. Although I'd boarded twice, only one fare had been deducted. I reboarded an hour later. When I alighted at North Station, all three fares had been deducted when I checked the value.
And as a trivia point, why do I tap my card a 2nd time when I add value? I've always wondered what would happen if I (A) tap my card to add value, (B) put $10 in the machine, and then fail to tap my card a second time.
This may have been discussed before, but 1600 posts are a bit much to wade through.
Once, I checked the value of my Charlie Card (CC) before I boarded a train at Waban. I alighted at Copley. When I entered at Copley for another trip, the fare gate said some gibberish that I don't remember. When I alighted at Brookline Hills, I decided to check the value of my CC. Although I'd boarded twice, only one fare had been deducted. I reboarded an hour later. When I alighted at North Station, all three fares had been deducted when I checked the value.
And as a trivia point, why do I tap my card a 2nd time when I add value? I've always wondered what would happen if I (A) tap my card to add value, (B) put $10 in the machine, and then fail to tap my card a second time.