by Kerb
If you had the choice between Freight Conductor or Carman what would you choose and why?
Railroad Forums
Moderator: thebigc
NorthPennLimited wrote:car knockers don't sit in some one-star hotel for days waiting for a train to work back to the home terminal.
Car knockers don't run for 12 hours, then get dumped into a siding by a train dispatcher and wait for a van driver to find them and drive them home hours after they outlaw.
Car knockers (for the most part) have steady shift hours except when there is a derailment.
COEN77 wrote:As for major overhaul repairs the carmen could be farmed out. Working on a train lacing airhoses, checking leakage, then doing an initial class 1 brake test they'll always be a need for a carman. The railroads also needs them for immediate repairs while in terminal. I don't think they'll ever be eliminated but could be reduced by closing shops. Today there is just a small fraction of what we had back 20 years ago. The railroads pretty much gutted & deboned every craft down to the bare minimum. Of course I'll never say never greed is always in the picture.Greed is always in the picture, now ain't that a sad fact. Another great post COEN77.