• BRT engines HLCX 1010 and 1017 to leave soon!

  • Discussion related to NYAR operations on Long Island. Official web site can be found here: www.anacostia.com/nyar/nyar.html. Also includes discussion related to NYNJ Rail, the carfloat operation successor to New York Cross Harbor that connects with NYAR.
Discussion related to NYAR operations on Long Island. Official web site can be found here: www.anacostia.com/nyar/nyar.html. Also includes discussion related to NYNJ Rail, the carfloat operation successor to New York Cross Harbor that connects with NYAR.
dauntless- you may be right but i found nothing written that provided different rates. fact is the head of the union called me on this and other issues included in the lease. i put him on the stb attachment. my impression was that these rates were unknowns for the union.
as for the 9 locos. does anyone disagree that 4hp is needed for each trailing ton? 30 stone cars are 3945 tons- 15780 hp. you also need about the same in engine weights. look at ny&a power. i figured they needed everything for the 30 car move. lastly, brt never had a '30 car' stone train. not only was there insufficient track, there was no way to unload 30 cars. last thing i saw was a one position conveyer working one car and dumping into a small pile. my limited involvement recommendations were never used save for eliminating the original track layout that covered the site (with 25 switches).
ken patrick
  by Ðauntless
Ken, those rates are right from the STB filing you mention.
  by Jayjay1213
Ken, where do you come up with this stuff? Which union are you referring to, I hope not the BLE&T since they have a copy of the agreement between LIRR and NYA.

As for engines, why would they need 4 horsepower per ton?? I personally have run out to Prima with 50 loads of stone and just 2 38's.

Anytime I see your name on a post, I am always intrigued at what I will read!!
jayjay- don't remember the union. the calls i do remember. maybe someone will come forth to back up my recollections. i had two calls from the same person. one asking for the source, then thanking for the info. i was under the impression that the nya agreement had not been distributed to the union members.
anyways, i have been using 4hp & 3# per trailing ton and 440k# drawbar. i'm not sure these parameters are used by trainmasters for every move. weather, track etc all come into play. it would be helpful if some trainmasters posted their parameters. ken patrick
  by Uncle Cheapo
Hey KEN, are you that NYA marketing guy that looks like the colonel from KFC? I agree with Jay. You come up with some "interesting" material.
  by freightguy
1017 has already left last Thursday. 1010 should be around for a bit longer!
  by Teutobergerwald
Remember the classic line in "WarGames:" "Mr. Potato Head.....MR. POTATO HEAD !!!!!!!!!" It comes to mind, for some reason. Hmmm???
  by freightguy
Second HLCX engine should be gone by the end of the week. BRT should be using an NYAR( most likely 1001) for the interim before NEW power arrives on the property
  by rscott417
freightguy wrote:Second HLCX engine should be gone by the end of the week. BRT should be using an NYAR( most likely 1001) for the interim before NEW power arrives on the property
New lease or are they getting their own engine?
  by freightguy
New power for BRT is in New Jersey and should be making its way to the island soon enough!