• Brightline/Virgin Trains and Railroad Retirement

  • This is a forum for all operations, both current and planned, of Brightline, formerly All Aboard Florida and Virgin Trains USA:
    Websites: Current Brightline
    Virgin USA
    Virgin UK
This is a forum for all operations, both current and planned, of Brightline, formerly All Aboard Florida and Virgin Trains USA:
Websites: Current Brightline
Virgin USA
Virgin UK

Moderator: CRail

  by Engineer Spike
edbear wrote: Sun Jan 13, 2019 6:51 pm I worked for Boston & Maine, Amtrak and Mass. Bay Commuter Railroad. When the MBTA was shopping around for a contract renewal in the early 2000s, the labor unions pushed to have the terms stipulate that the contractor continue Railroad Retirement.
The T operates in more than one state, so that adds to its standing with RRB. It also interchanges passengers with Amtrak. Hopefully they add New Hampshire to MA and RI soon.