by CQDX018
Unit train from Paducah Kentucky to Barstow California. Currently around Girard, IL. on the BNSF Beardstown. Will hit Galesburg and head West!
ID: U-PADBAR1-23A Train Consist: Various Hummers, First Air mobiles, Tank Mobiles, Camo hummers,
BNSF C44-9W 5442 Forwards on ITTX flat cars. I'd say atleast 200 of them!!! Look out West railfans.
BNSF C44-9W 4977 Backwards
BNSF C44-9W 4727 Forwards
ID: U-PADBAR1-23A Train Consist: Various Hummers, First Air mobiles, Tank Mobiles, Camo hummers,
BNSF C44-9W 5442 Forwards on ITTX flat cars. I'd say atleast 200 of them!!! Look out West railfans.
BNSF C44-9W 4977 Backwards
BNSF C44-9W 4727 Forwards