by sandpvrr
Hello All,
There have been some developments in the Waldo county railroad scene
The Belfast and Moosehead Lake Railroad's assets are owned by the Unity
Foundation. The Unity Foundation is not announcing its plans for the
railroads assets. As a concerned railfan, I am calling upon my fellow
railfans to ask the Unity Foundation what they intend to do with the
railroad's assets. The Assets in question include all railroad buildings,
all railroad equipment and the first three miles of track from the Belfast/
Waldo town line, all the way to the waterfront in Belfast.
What I'd like to know, and I'm sure others would too, is if the railroad
will run this year, or not.
If not, what is to become of the railroad's equipment?
Lets join together and show how much interest there is in the history of
the Belfast and Moosehead Lake Railroad, and hopefully, save it from the
scrappers torch.
To voice your concerns to the Unity Foundation, a special
e-mail address has been setup that will forward to the appopriate people. Send your comments and questions to:
[email protected]
Lets save the railroad!
Thank you all for your support!
--Joey Kelley
There have been some developments in the Waldo county railroad scene
The Belfast and Moosehead Lake Railroad's assets are owned by the Unity
Foundation. The Unity Foundation is not announcing its plans for the
railroads assets. As a concerned railfan, I am calling upon my fellow
railfans to ask the Unity Foundation what they intend to do with the
railroad's assets. The Assets in question include all railroad buildings,
all railroad equipment and the first three miles of track from the Belfast/
Waldo town line, all the way to the waterfront in Belfast.
What I'd like to know, and I'm sure others would too, is if the railroad
will run this year, or not.
If not, what is to become of the railroad's equipment?
Lets join together and show how much interest there is in the history of
the Belfast and Moosehead Lake Railroad, and hopefully, save it from the
scrappers torch.
To voice your concerns to the Unity Foundation, a special
e-mail address has been setup that will forward to the appopriate people. Send your comments and questions to:
[email protected]
Lets save the railroad!
Thank you all for your support!
--Joey Kelley