With the 3 code system the ASC covered MAS and limited speed with the “MAS” aspect? Or did you get a “30”/“Approach” aspect for limited speed?
Because on the 3 aspect system there is no 45 or limited speed aspect.
With an aspect of approach medium.
Say west of kew Gardens on ML4 approaching Jay with a Medium Clear.
With the 3 aspect system, did you get the “30” at the approach medium or somewhere between it and the medium clear at Jay, or did you get the “30”
Aspect “AT” jays home signal on the metropolitan signal bridge?
It appears there was some mixing and matching with the installation of the CSS on LIRR.
The use of the 3 aspect system created issues when the limited speeds switches were installed. This lead to medium
Speed being 30 or 40 in ASC (cab signal) territory. Then the 45/40 aspects came on line with the upgraded system.
However, the rules weren’t updated nor was the code or signals to display the proper aspects.
Today this plagues the operation.
With only 4 codes use MAS (80) (70) (30or40) (15)
The “60” is only used for the switches that are greater than limited speed but less than MAS. (60 mph switches). As the definitions of the speeds do not provide for any speed between MAS & Limited speeds)
Keeping this solely based on the 100hz PRR system predominantly used on 90% of LIRR CSS territory.
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