• Anthracite Railroads - CNJ, L&HR, LNE, LV and RDG

  • Discussion of the historical operations related to the Central Railroad of New Jersey; Lehigh & Hudson River; Lehigh & New England; Lehigh Valley; and the Reading Company. Visit the Anthracite Railroads Historical Society for more information.
Discussion of the historical operations related to the Central Railroad of New Jersey; Lehigh & Hudson River; Lehigh & New England; Lehigh Valley; and the Reading Company. Visit the Anthracite Railroads Historical Society for more information.

Moderators: David, scottychaos, CAR_FLOATER, metman499, Franklin Gowen, Marty Feldner

Forum Statistics Last post
README: Forum Rules / Legal / Terms of Service
by Jeff Smith  -   - In: News, Announcements, FAQ and Help
0 Replies 
 by Jeff Smith
Railroad.net Announces Ad-Free Subscriptions
by gprimr1  -   - In: News, Announcements, FAQ and Help
0 Replies 
 by gprimr1
Forum Statistics Last post
Southside Easton (Easton, Glendon, and Williams Twp industries)
by Bank Tower  - 
1 Replies 
 by Bank Tower
2025 CNJ Calendar
by kilroy  - 
0 Replies 
 by kilroy
D&L Trail at Hayes Creek
by cwweber  - 
0 Replies 
 by cwweber
12 Replies 
 by CNJ Fan 4evr
0 Replies 
 by PeteB
Bayonne Shuttle ("Scoot") Question - Between Elizabeth and Cranford...
by umtrr-author  - 
5 Replies 
 by R36 Combine Coach
Four RDG cabooses in scrap yard
by BR&P  - 
0 Replies 
 by BR&P
Reading Ashland Upper Route
by frankgaron2  - 
4 Replies 
 by pumpers
CNJ 1532 & 1526 post disaster
by RGlueck  - 
1 Replies 
 by SSW921
Need information on Little Silver, NJ train Station
by steve coraggio  - 
0 Replies 
 by steve coraggio
New Book - Phillipsburg, NJ: Canal/Railroad Hotspot 1832-1976
by PeteB  - 
4 Replies 
 by carolynallan53
Current formal abandonment of the CNJ Treskow Branch
by pumpers  - 
0 Replies 
 by pumpers
Viewing of De Luxe: The Tale of the Blue Comet
by nomis  - 
0 Replies 
 by nomis
RDG Beeline Service
by ExCon90  - 
2 Replies 
 by ExCon90
2 Replies 
 by PeteB
Reading non-commuter Equipment
by riffian  - 
3 Replies 
 by riffian
A great collection of CNJ photos from the 60's
by frank754  - 
7 Replies 
 by MichealDigiacomo
L&HR station signage
by Roadgeek Adam  - 
1 Replies 
LV diesel classification?
by Allen Hazen  - 
3 Replies 
 by Allen Hazen
Lehigh Valley M&H line question
by frankgaron2  - 
0 Replies 
 by frankgaron2
Southampton Railroad Station Society Rail History Symposium
by dreese_us  - 
0 Replies 
 by dreese_us
Reading RR
by walterconklin  - 
0 Replies 
 by walterconklin
SRRSS Third Annual Rail History Symposium
by dreese_us  - 
0 Replies 
 by dreese_us
Rail History Symposium
by dreese_us  - 
1 Replies 
 by dreese_us
LV Service at Weedsport, NY (1950)
by msorendo53  - 
45 Replies 
 by msorendo53
by NHRAND  - 
0 Replies 
LV Sayre Yard building?
by nydepot  - 
3 Replies 
Excee Tower in Cranford
by CNJFAN  - 
13 Replies 
 by philipmartin
Reading Swatara Depot in Schuylkill County?
by frankgaron2  - 
1 Replies 
 by choess
Preservation of Shawmont Station
by glenonoko  - 
19 Replies 
 by John Johnstone
Lehigh Valley Branch near Mahanoy City Question?
by frankgaron2  - 
2 Replies 
 by pumpers
Lehigh Valley wood chip hoppers
by Richard1  - 
3 Replies 
 by lvrr325
Turning power at Reading Terminal
by theWatusi  - 
17 Replies 
 by JimBoylan
CNJ track maps of trackage from Scranton to Nesquehoning JCT
by walterconklin  - 
0 Replies 
 by walterconklin
Pillar crane drawings/photos?
by RDGAndrew  - 
17 Replies 
 by RDGAndrew
What's left of the CNJ?
by dhaugh  - 
63 Replies 
 by R36 Combine Coach
Union Street Interlocking, Allentown,PA
by steve coraggio  - 
0 Replies 
 by steve coraggio
Locomotives of the Jersey Central
by Richard1  - 
2 Replies 
 by toptrain
New LV diesel photo book
by Otto Vondrak  - 
1 Replies 
 by scottychaos
CNJ West Side Avenue Station
by oldrow51  - 
3 Replies 
 by oldrow51
CRRNJ Bridge that crossed the Hackensack at Jersey City???
by mlm17  - 
8 Replies 
 by timz
What's left of Rochester Junction
by the1jp  - 
7 Replies 
 by scottychaos
Baby blue painted CNJ loco?
by Steve F45  - 
2 Replies 
 by Steve F45
L&NE bridge that use to exist at Lehigh Gap
by walterconklin  - 
2 Replies 
 by glenonoko
LV Electrification
by nydepot  - 
5 Replies 
 by glenonoko
DL&W Oxford Mine Branches
by CNJ Fan 4evr  - 
8 Replies 
 by Railjourner
thebluecomet.com gone forever?
by Port Jervis  - 
4 Replies 
 by rdg5308
Erie camelbacks
by nina  - 
4 Replies 
 by toptrain
CNJ Concrete Phone Booths
by ironhorsehistory  - 
27 Replies 
 by ironhorsehistory
Franklin Street Station in Reading to be restored
by jrevans  - 
12 Replies 
 by jrevans
Island Park Dragway/Former LHR Great Meadows
by Paul Miller  - 
12 Replies 
 by Paul Miller
North Church Road Viaduct Over L.H.R. at Franklin Removed
by Paul Miller  - 
3 Replies 
 by CNJ Fan 4evr
CNJ Easton, PA Station Question
by CGRLCDR  - 
8 Replies 
 by wis bang
My LV History Book
by therudycometh  - 
5 Replies 
 by therudycometh
CR on the L&HR
by L&HR C&S  - 
6 Replies 
 by L&HR C&S
Rearranging this Forum
by charlie6017  - 
30 Replies 
 by Jeff Smith
Water 5 feet deep in Communipaw terminal from Sandy
by pumpers  - 
0 Replies 
 by pumpers
by NortheastTrainMan  - 
20 Replies 
 by CNJ Fan 4evr
RDG - Dauphin & Susquehanna
by Cactus Jack  - 
4 Replies 
 by Cactus Jack
Roelofs, PA Track Pans
by R,N, Nelson  - 
39 Replies 
 by GSDenshaw
NEW Lehigh and New England VIDEO on DVD
by Biker  - 
8 Replies 
 by JhnZ33
L&HR boxcars
by walterconklin  - 
1 Replies 
 by umtrr-author
Rail Crossing Hawkins St Ironbound Section Newark NJ
by MikeDob  - 
6 Replies 
 by pumpers
Singer Sewing Machine facility that use to exist in Warwick
by walterconklin  - 
5 Replies 
 by Tadman
Creameries along the L&HR
by walterconklin  - 
19 Replies 
 by Paul Miller
CNJ Conductor Samuel A. Crook
by Paul Miller  - 
0 Replies 
 by Paul Miller
Coaling tower that use to exist at the L&HR yard at Warwick
by walterconklin  - 
2 Replies 
 by walterconklin
Lake Station crossing over the former L&HR in Sugar Loaf
by walterconklin  - 
1 Replies 
 by Paul Miller
LNE bobber caboose drawing?
by RGlueck  - 
2 Replies 
 by RGlueck
Hudson yard in Phillipsburg, NJ
by walterconklin  - 
5 Replies 
 by walterconklin
L&NE 2-10-0
by walterconklin  - 
1 Replies 
 by Aa3rt
The railroad bridges at Easton, PA and Phillipsburg, NJ
by walterconklin  - 
2 Replies 
 by Bethlehem Jct.
LNE Pen Argyl Shops
by thebigham  - 
8 Replies 
 by charlie6017
Mystery electrified RDG branch
by RCman2626  - 
3 Replies 
 by RCman2626
L&HR at Greycourt
by Paul Miller  - 
0 Replies 
 by Paul Miller
Andover Township Clears L&HR R.O.W. Near Mulford
by Paul Miller  - 
0 Replies 
 by Paul Miller
Lehigh and Hudson River Railroad Slideshow
by AndyB  - 
3 Replies 
 by gravelyfan
Towns along the LNE Martins Creek Branch
by walterconklin  - 
2 Replies 
 by walterconklin
RDG Track Numbering
by R,N, Nelson  - 
5 Replies 
 by ExCon90
L&HR and L&NE track charts
by walterconklin  - 
2 Replies 
 by sjwheaton1127
L&H Memories: Andover goes "Modern"
by jmchitvt  - 
3 Replies 
 by L&HR C&S
Reading Heritage Unit Out
by glennk419  - 
3 Replies 
 by amtrakhogger
L&HR turntable at Greycourt, NY
by walterconklin  - 
0 Replies 
 by walterconklin
1834 drawing, PG&N (Reading RR) Wissahickon Creek
by J Johnstone  - 
2 Replies 
 by J Johnstone
RDG to Trenton?
by tgolanos  - 
16 Replies 
 by amtrakhogger
Jones Chemical in Warwick, NY
by walterconklin  - 
3 Replies 
 by walterconklin
Phila. & Rdg. on Shorpy
by JimBoylan  - 
1 Replies 
 by kilroy
The LNE at Pine Island, NY
by walterconklin  - 
5 Replies 
 by Paul Miller
L&H Featured in TRAINS
by jmchitvt  - 
3 Replies 
 by L&HR C&S
CNJ Newark and New York Branch Pictures?
by sickskillz  - 
2 Replies 
 by sickskillz
L&H Fans - Time to Petition NS on Heritage Units!!
by jmchitvt  - 
1 Replies 
 by Marty Feldner
Search for a Wooden Bridge over the L&HR
by Dan Demeter  - 
11 Replies 
 by Paul Miller
Reading 2100 steam locomotive status
14 Replies 
 by lvrr325
Pen Argyl to Maybrook on the LNE via the Erie
by walterconklin  - 
2 Replies 
 by LNE655
What are your interests in the L&HR?
by rfalcone  - 
58 Replies 
 by David
Last of Newark Bay Lift Bridge to be removed.
by oldrow51  - 
2 Replies 
 by oldrow51
Hazleton Area Ripe for GoogleEarth Annotation
by pravoslavna  - 
1 Replies 
 by RussNelson
diesels of the reading company volume 1
6 Replies 
RDG Russian Decapods
by RDG126  - 
9 Replies 
 by RDG126
L&H Memories: Growing Up Trackside...#5
by jmchitvt  - 
1 Replies 
 by charlie6017
  • 1
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