• Amtrak On-Time Performance (OTP) Delays Reroutes Annulled

  • Discussion related to Amtrak also known as the National Railroad Passenger Corp.
Discussion related to Amtrak also known as the National Railroad Passenger Corp.

Moderators: GirlOnTheTrain, mtuandrew, Tadman

  by Jeff Smith
I'm going to retire the old delay thread and start a new one.

Part of the reason is to fold in a discussion of OTP in general, but also provide an asset I've seen linked by one of our members, afiggat. I don't know if it's his site, or if he just found it, but it's a tremendous resource.

Amtrak Status

  by dt_rt40
148 struck a trespasser probably about 1/4 mile east of the Lombard St. yard. I know, I was on it and made a note of the location on my GPS. (Well, I made a note of where we stopped, which was in that odd little neighborhood tucked between two folds of I-695. He said it happened two miles back. The track was heavily banked there which was freaking people out, one NYC hipster girl said she was "getting vertigo".)
The pinging sound of body parts striking the floor of the Amfleet cars near the trucks was quite memorable; I was walking back to the cafe car after looking for someone I knew in the quiet car, so I was in the 3rd car. A MARC long-timer I spoke to said they'd heard similar sounds when a deer strike occurs.
The crew handled it very professionally and I've already sent them a kudos to Amtrak customer service. We were informed immediately of an "unfortunate incident" after the train stopped. The about 5 minutes later the lead conductor came into the coach and announced we'd struck a trespasser. After over an hour we were moved onto another train via the mini-bridges. Do they store those in the cafe cars only? According to the website above, it arrived in NYP almost 4 hours late.
  by chuchubob
You boarded train 134, which I was on. We arrived Philadelphia at 7:13 PM. Amtrak's status says train 134 arrived at 7:08. The status site linked in the original post of this thread says 7:13.
  by dt_rt40
LOL. I REALLY wasn't thinking, I just idiotically looked up 148 for yesterday. Brain wasn't fully operational this morning...of course I should have known everyone was on other trains. (there was a rumor they didn't let everyone off onto the first train to stop, and another one was going to have to pull up afterward) For some reason it says this:
09/11/2015 (Fr) NWK 09/11/2015 6:10 PM (Fr) 10:05PM Arr: 3 hr, 54 min late. | Dep: 3 hr, 55 min late

Though of course 148 didn't finish its run that day! So I don't know where those figures came from. Somehow, though they had to get some of those people onto Springfield, so I guess the odd departure time in the next record:
09/11/2015 (Fr) NYP 09/11/2015 6:45 PM (Fr) 8:58PM Arr: 3 hr, 48 min late. | Dep: 2 hr, 13 min late
is perhaps showing yet another train the Pioneer Valley passengers had to transfer to? I've met many people on the train who are going all the way to Springfield, it's not just NYC area passengers.
  by matthewsaggie
#92 (Star) was 8.5 hours late after engine failure in Georgia we were told. As #80 (Carolinian) normally follows #92 from Cary NC north, by about 2 hours, #80 collected all of #92's passengers from Cary on north, adding to our load. Pity the poor folks on #92 with out a diner- I am sure the cafe ran out of food, as 8.5 hours is at least 2 additional meal times. Hope there was a restock of some sort somewhere. We saw #92 when we returned on #79 as we arrived in Cary at about 5 PM. #92 had just arrived into Cary.

In RMT, #90 (Palmetto) came north with two units, one dead. Someone said that it was the dead unit off of #92, Don't know for sure.
  by Dick H
A huge seven alarm fire in Haverhill MA in a vacant mill building
has shut down the tracks through Haverhill. Commuter Rail is
shut down. It appears that Downeaster #695 is being held west
of Haverhill, Already 2 1/2 late. #697 shows unavailable.

http://boston.cbslocal.com/2015/09/20/h ... ns-street/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
  by BostonUrbEx
695 ended up 4 hours and 18 minutes late out of Haverhill due to the fire.

697 was held in Boston for 30 minutes, and was ultimately 1 hour and 30 minutes late out of Haverhill.

698 was 1 hour 43 minutes late out of Haverhill, resulting in 699 being 15 minutes late on the turn out of Boston.
  by BandA
Dick H wrote:A huge seven alarm fire in Haverhill MA in a vacant mill building
has shut down the tracks through Haverhill. Commuter Rail is
shut down. It appears that Downeaster #695 is being held west
of Haverhill, Already 2 1/2 late. #697 shows unavailable.

http://boston.cbslocal.com/2015/09/20/h ... ns-street/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Assumed to be Arson ($5000 reward for information) but no proof.
  by Amtk30
Amtrak 21 (24) running abt 2.5 hours late due to service disruption last night south of STL near Cadet?, MO. Car vs train. Could have been worse.

  by justalurker66
Amtrak has left an eastward facing engine on a siding in Dunlap (between Elkhart and Goshen, Indiana). Both 30 and 48 were late yesterday (24) ... who lost the engine?
  by shlustig
Does anybody know why:

#49 (23rd) westboud Lake Shore Ltd. lost 3''00" TOL to CHI;

and #50 (24th) eastbound Cardinal and #59 (24th) southbound City of New Orleans were 2'30" and 2'00" late Dpg. CHI?
  by Gilbert B Norman

From the website, it appears that 5 (27) and 3 (27) are being "fleeted", or running on one another's markers CHI-GBB.

I noted the absence of 5 (27) on my walk today - and for that matter any action whatever on the BNSF.

That is rare to say the least.
  by Amtk30
Gilbert B Norman wrote:Anyone?

From the website, it appears that 5 (27) and 3 (27) are being "fleeted", or running on one another's markers CHI-GBB.

I noted the absence of 5 (27) on my walk today - and for that matter any action whatever on the BNSF.

That is rare to say the least.
Greetings from on board 22.

Just a guess, could yesterday's 5 and 3 taken the Frmr-ATSF via Joliet etc and transfer return at Cameron Jct? ??

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