• 1950 Consists List

  • Discussion relating to the NH and its subsidiaries (NYW&B, Union Freight Railroad, Connecticut Company, steamship lines, etc.). up until its 1969 inclusion into the Penn Central merger. This forum is also for the discussion of efforts to preserve former New Haven equipment, artifacts and its history. You may also wish to visit www.nhrhta.org for more information.
Discussion relating to the NH and its subsidiaries (NYW&B, Union Freight Railroad, Connecticut Company, steamship lines, etc.). up until its 1969 inclusion into the Penn Central merger. This forum is also for the discussion of efforts to preserve former New Haven equipment, artifacts and its history. You may also wish to visit www.nhrhta.org for more information.
  by BM50
I am looking for certain information from the passenger consist list that covers the Summer of 1950. Does anyone have a source for this particular one? While I'd be willing to purchase the entire document if it was available, all I really need are the consists for three trains: Day White Mountains, Night White Mountains, and North Wind. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Duane Goodman
  by Noel Weaver
BM50 wrote:I am looking for certain information from the passenger consist list that covers the Summer of 1950. Does anyone have a source for this particular one? While I'd be willing to purchase the entire document if it was available, all I really need are the consists for three trains: Day White Mountains, Night White Mountains, and North Wind. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Duane Goodman
Go to


Ask your question there, if they do not answer you, I'll try to help you if you will send me a PM, I will not post anything more
here or there that will further their cause. I haven't posted on their site in over a month and I do not intend to post there
anytime soon again.
Noel Weaver
  by Statkowski
The "Day White Mountain Express" was No. 66 eastward and No. 85 westward. It ran between Grand Central Terminal and points north and east of Springfield.

The "Night White Mountain" was No. 166 eastward and No. 167 westward. It also ran between Grand Central Terminal and points north and east of Springfield.

The "North Wind"?

Don't have a 1950 consist, but do have a 1951 consist.
  by Statkowski
From Time Table No. 173, dated April 29, 1951

Train 66 – Daily – Day White Mountain Express

7 Coaches, DH, G.C.T. to New Haven, Monday only
Combine, De, G.C.T. to Berlin, except Sunday
Combine, De, G.C.T. to White River Jct., Sunday only
Coach, SLrL, G.C.T. to Berlin, except Sunday, 2 on Friday and Saturday
Coach, SLrL, G.C.T. to White River Jct., Sunday only
Parlor, 20C-14L-Br-Bf, G.C.T. to White River Jct., except Sunday, destination will be Berlin, N.H., June 22 to September 8, inclusive, also Saturdays, September 15 to October 6, inclusive.
Parlor, 30C-DR, G.C.T. to Berlin, except Sunday, operates June 29 to September 8, inclusive.
Coach, SLrL, G.C.T. to Montreal
Coach, SL, G.C.T. to Springfield, 2 on Friday & Saturday, 1 on Sunday only.
Parlor, 20C-14L, G.C.T. to Springfield, Sunday only

Train 85 – Except Sunday – Day White Mountain Express

Coach, SL, Springfield to G.C.T., 2 Friday only, 1 Saturday & Sunday only
Combine, De, Berlin to G.C.T.
Coach, SLrL, Berlin to G.C.T.
Coach, SL, Berlin to G.C.T.
Parlor, 20C-14L-Bf, White River Jct. to G.C.T., operates from Berlin June 23 through September 10, and on Mondays, September 17 through October 8.
Parlor, 30C-DR, Berlin to G.C.T., operates June 30 to September 10, inclusive.
Parlor, 20C-14L, Springfield to G.C.T.

Train 85 – Sunday – Day White Mountain Express

Combine, Springfield to G.C.T.
2 Coaches, SL, Springfield to G.C.T.
Smoker, De, Springfield to G.C.T.
Coach, SL, Springfield to G.C.T.
Parlor, 20C-14L, Springfield to G.C.T.

Train 166 – Friday – Night White Mountain

Baggage, G.C.T. to Bretton Woods
Coach, SL, G.C.T. to Bretton Woods
Sleeper, 10-1-2, G.C.T. to Bretton Woods
Sleeper, 6-3, G.C.T. to Bretton Woods
Sleeper, 6Cp-Bf-Lge, G.C.T. to Bretton Woods
Sleeper, 14SBR, G.C.T. to Bretton Woods
Sleeper, 6-6, Washington to Bretton Woods, from No. 168 at New Haven
Sleeper, 10-1-2, G.C.T. To Woodsville

Operates June 29, then Friday only, July 13 to August 31, inclusive.

Train 167 – Monday – Night White Mountain

Baggage, Bretton Woods-Fabyan to G.C.T.
Coach, SL, Bretton Woods-Fabyan to G.C.T.
Sleeper, 10-1-2, Bretton Woods-Fabyan to G.C.T.
Sleeper, 6-3, Bretton Woods-Fabyan to G.C.T.
Sleeper, 6Cp-Bf-Lge, Bretton Woods-Fabyan to G.C.T.
Sleeper, 14SBR, Bretton Woods-Fabyan to G.C.T.
Sleeper, 10-1-2, Bretton Woods-Fabyan to G.C.T.

Operates Thursday, July 5; Mondays, July 16 to August 27, inclusive; also Tuesday, September 4.

Car Type Descriptions:

DH - Deadhead
De – De Luxe
SL - Streamline
SLrL – Streamline, reclining seats, lounge seats
20C-14L – 20 chairs, 14 lounge seats
20C-14L-Br-Bf – 20 chairs, 14 lounge seats, broiler, buffet
20C-14L-Bf – 20 chairs, 14 lounge seats, buffet
30C-DR – 30 chairs, 1 drawing room
6Cp-Bf-Lge – 6 compartments, buffet, lounge seats
6-3 – 6 compartments, 3 drawing rooms
6-6 – 6 sections, 6 double bedrooms
10-1-2 – 10 sections, 1 drawing room, 2 compartments
14SBR – 14 single bedrooms
  by Tom Curtin
Hey BM 50, contact me off forum and I think I can help with your request for a consist list

[email protected]