• 1915 Photo: Mt. Tamalpais, Mill Valley, CA

  • Pertaining to all railroad subjects, past and present, in the American West, including California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, and The Dakotas. For specific railroad topics, please see the Fallen Flags and Active Railroads categories.
Pertaining to all railroad subjects, past and present, in the American West, including California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana, and The Dakotas. For specific railroad topics, please see the Fallen Flags and Active Railroads categories.

Moderator: Komachi

  by Nile
Bargains are still to had if you search for them. For $20.00 I purchased a rather large photograph of the Mt. Tamalpasaic scenic Railway That claimed to be "The Crookedest Railroad in The World". I was at a very small flea market with the usual garage sale junk and here was this framed photograph from 1915 of three passenger cars being pulled by a Shay locomotive. I have read about this scenic railway and it is long gone, all the rails have been torn up long ago but the memories remain. The right of way is now a hiking and bike trail. There are pictures and even Thomas Edison movies from the era showing "gravity" cars coming down the mountain with many spectators on board free railing (coasting) down the mountain with a brakeman on the brake pedal. Imagine that today? The insurance must be outstanding. Here is the photo. The original photo can also be viewed on Photobucket for a larger image (I think). Here 'tis.

Last edited by mtuandrew on Mon Aug 08, 2011 11:40 am, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Correcting spelling in the title