• CRIP 630 & 652

  • Discussion relating to The Chicago & North Western, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad (Milwaukee Road), including mergers, acquisitions, and abandonments.
Discussion relating to The Chicago & North Western, the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad (Milwaukee Road), including mergers, acquisitions, and abandonments.

Moderator: Komachi

  by route_rock
They were supposed to be sold a long time ago. IIRC Mr Sabine of Iowa Northern fame even suggested buying one of them.
If I had a spot to store one I would take it. But as with everything in life no space and not enough money.

  by DufordModelWorks
It is my understanding that both of these units are in extremely poor mechanical condition and would require alot of prep work just to get them moved.

Hopefully someone with a good shop force, ambition and deep pockets picks them up...they deserve a better fate then just rusting away.

  by Tadman
I'm about twenty minutes away from them, I'll try to run down this weekend or a free afternoon. I understand there's an RS3 on the property as well.

  by PRRGuy
I'm pretty sure that's the MKT RS-3M but don't they have a ex NYC RS-3 also?

  by Tadman
Yeah, there is two RS3's - the MKT RS3 (EMD bastardized) and one painted for NYC. I think it's also a genuine NYC unit as well. I had really hoped to ride behind one of the E's this summer - looks like it won't happen.
  by RockGp40
Mr. Sabin has indeed rescued these two beauties. If all goes right, they will ride the rails under their own power in the future.

  by route_rock
GREAT NEWS!!!!!! I think all of us Rock fans should send him a nice letter saying thanks!

The best part is I only live a few hours away! I keep telling the wife someday I want to work for him. but I cant get her to want to move closer to Northern Iowa.At least they will be on "home rails" and it will be easier for me to visit them.

  by uhaul
So route_rock is going to these units and so is Tadman. There should be plenty of sound judgment on the condition of these diesels.

  by route_rock
When I was a memeber of RITS back in the day, I tried to get it lined up for the 652 to come to the Quad Cities. Albeit to say it feel through, however I had it on good authority that that unit was mechanically sound enough to travel the BNSF. But that was a while ago.
If I get some time off ( I know I am off for a week in September) I will contact Mr Sabin and see if I can go take a peek.I might gush like a school girl who just got asked to prom but hey Ill bring tissues.
Last time I saw 652 she was Red White and Blue! Pulling the Rocket even.So this will be great if i can pull it off.
BTW Wheels of Time in Peoria has a RI steam loco. Go check it out.

  by Tadman
Have these units been delivered to IANR yet?

  by route_rock
Havent heard yet anything on the INRR yahoo group. Or seen anything to say they have been moved.
  by John_Perkowski
Intersting. According to the Midland Railway website (updated Mar 15 2010) both units are still on the line. Looking at google traffic view, both units have been photographed in Baldwin City by a Googlemobile.