• Official Cape Cod Central Discussion

  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New England
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in New England

Moderators: MEC407, NHN503

  by masscoastalfan
Since there is a MAss Coastal and a Mass Coaster topic I figured I'd make one for Cape Cod Central aswell. Cape Cod Central posted their 2010 operating schedual its can be viewed at their website www.capetrain.com They aren;t doing anything new next year. No trains on the Falmouth line, or anything like that. They are actually cutting back on the number of train. For instance there is only one scenic train on saturdays now. Oh well. I guess that's just my railfan talking. But on a more serious not, I hope they have another fantastic season next year!
  by b&m 1566
Seems like everybody is cutting back now a days! Guess will have to wait a few years as the economy recovers to see if things go back to the old ways or if these cut backs a permanent for the foreseeable future! It happened last year with the CSRX’s notch train going from four weekly trips down to three.
  by BayColony1706
Rumor has it there might, I emphasize M I G H T, be a pilot Dinner Train down to North Falmouth this summer. It would be a Friday night run that originates in Buzzard's Bay. Instead of heading down the Cape Main to HYA, she'd take a right at Canal Jct and head to N Fal. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
  by shadyjay
That rumor of the dinner trains from Buzzards Bay going down the Falmouth branch in '10 was confirmed on the Railfan Excursion.
  by atlantis
It seems, IMHO, that due to the ongoing non-support by the state of Cape Cod Central's feeder rail plan, it may be that the railroad is shifting emphasis from a sightseeing rail line to one that focuses mainly on the dinner train.
I also heard that the dinner trains will be running on the truncated Falmouth line.
  by BayColony1706
Well, a tennetive FAL dinner train was mentioned on the railfan trip, that's for sure ( that trip was a blast!). I for one will be booking a table when it is officially announced!
  by masscoastalfan
There is a VERY VERY VERY VERY good chance that there will be another railfan special on Cape Cod Central May 15, 2010. This trip will be, if it happens, sponsered by mass bay rarilroad enthusiasts. I have heard this directly from the mass bay people. There may also be a mystic valley railroad socioty trip over the same route the following weekend. These trips will differ from the one in november in that they will run from middleborough south along the cape main and falmouth line. Also, they will include multiple photo stops.
  by BayColony1706
I do hope the pricing/interest on these excursions will be better than the first run. $60 is a bit high for unheated, non-foodservice trips, and I think that may have contributed to the low ridership (mind you only one scenic car was partially filled with daisy-pickers, the rest of the consist was the South Shore Chamber).
It was still a fantastic ride, and CCC definitely gets props for putting it together!
  by masscoastalfan
I could agree with you more. The fact that MC/CCCX did the excursion at all is a testament to how great of
a railroad they are. To get a rail line from accepted track to 30+mph passenger is quite an accomplishment. I hope the trip in may gets better ridership!
  by masscoastalfan
1502 has been moved into the engine house in Hyannis. Hopefull around the beginning of the tourist season, she will look like 1501! They have a lot on their plate to accomplish before the start of the tourist season. They have to do quite a bit of mechanical work on 1502 and it may be getting new paint. Plus they have to replace atleast 1 traction motor on 1501. I have a feeling that if 1502 gets refurnished and runs well, it may spell the end for 1201 as a road engine.
  by Bill Moran
There will be lots of activity at the shop for the next couple of months. 1502 is getting new traction motor wiring well as a number of other mechanical items. Paint is not likely this year, unfortunately. 1501 will have its bad traction motor replaced shortly. This, plus normal maintenance and inspections for the MC Locomotives will require a lot of shuffling around of power in the Hyannis yard.
  by masscoastalfan
Do you know what's up with 2009? its been spendin a lot of time around hyannis lately.
  by Bill Moran
It recieved cab signals over the winter. It has been waiting for some new springs, which are going to be installed this week, then it should be back on the road.
  by masscoastalfan
Awesome! 2009 is my favorite engine! So is it going to be swapped with 2006?
  by Bill Moran
I don't think so. I believe it will swap with either the 2008 or 2007 one of which is due for its 92 day inspection, not sure which one.
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