• Halloween Treat

  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in the American Midwest, including Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Kansas. For questions specific to a railroad company, please seek the appropriate forum.
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in the American Midwest, including Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Kansas. For questions specific to a railroad company, please seek the appropriate forum.

Moderator: railohio

  by Drawhead
Yes, it's a neat web site with some places worth checking out.There's also a bunch of others on Moonville but most seem to get carried away with the stories of the brakeman who was killed,and the miner,and the woman walking the tracks to see here lover that was run over.I decided to go down to the McArthur Ohio library this past spring and check out their Moonville file of newspaper clippings ect. wich they have kept nicely in scrapbooks.I spent about 2 1/2 hrs reading and getting copies of things of interest.One of the more interesting articles that i read taken from the Chilicothe Gazette in 1895 was "The ghost of Moonville,after an absence of one year,has returned and is at it again at its old pranks,haunting B&O SW freight trains and their crews.It apppeared Monday night in front of fast-freight No.99 west bound,just east of the cut wich is one half mile the other side of Moonville where Engineer Lawhead lost his life and Engineer Walters was injured." I'm not going to ramble on with the rest of the ghost story but i could not find anything else pertaining to this wreck or accident of the above mentioned article wich really has my interest as to when this happened.I suppose if one were to read thru rolls and rolls of microfilm they might find it.I did however find a much more recent account of a wreck there but not at the library that none of these Moonville web sites even mention.In the ICC railroad accident reports check out investigation No.2319 On Dec.26,1938 on a rainy night at 11:02 pm eastbound train number 94 a doubleheader with 2 steamers #4509 and #4535 rounded a curve crossed the trestle and entered the rock cut slamming into a 100 ton rock that had dislodged and fell on the track.Lead engine 4509 hit the rock at 35-45 mph tearing the pilot wheels off and shearing off the cylinders and then overturning.The engineer was pinned and scalded to death in the cab by broken steam pipes.There is also mention of this wreck in a out of print softcover book on the Marietta & Cincinnati RR by John R. Grabbon pages 102-103 .I find this kind of erie, this accident happening so close to Moonville close to where this 1895 accident happened.Yet none of these websites mention this 1938 wreck.I have been to Moonville about 7-8 times and find the place most interesting,it is also in a remote and very beautiful scenic area.One does kinda get a funny feeling that your not alone while walking around and that something is watching.I myself have never seen anything odd but one could surely imagine what might appear in its setting! I was a bit saddened that the walls of the tunnel have been totally painted with graffiti and the empty beer cans tossed about.Also the raised brick lettering spelling out Moonville above each entrance has been slowly chipped away more just in the past few years from people doing target practice on it.It is a neat place to visit and if you get a chance do so,but i wouldn't recommend it at night as there are some crazed people that hang out around there.

  by CP169
I get "site temporarily disabled"

  by matt
Type in "Moonville" and "Tunnel" into http://www.google.com and you'll find plenty of sites about the town of Moonville and it's tunnel.
  by 2nd trick op
Our neighbors in the Buckeye State seem to have a particular affinity for hauntings.
