• Question about ec-1 forms

  • Discussion of the operations of CSX Transportation, from 1980 to the present. Official site can be found here: CSXT.COM.
Discussion of the operations of CSX Transportation, from 1980 to the present. Official site can be found here: CSXT.COM.

Moderator: MBTA F40PH-2C 1050

  by shacnuf62089
i have an ec-1 form...it said it was created in 04. Have there been any revisions to the form since its been released? Im wondering because the dispatcher calls out different line than what I have. For example...temporary speed restrictions is line 6 but the dispatcher and engineers have them as five. I was just wondering if there was something taken out or something moved...it's been bugging me and i can't figure it out.

  by Wanderer
Temporary Speed Restriction should be line 6, and a time restriction (ie. Until xx:xx hours on xx/xx/xx) is line 5.

  by Railjunkie
Yes they were updated justa couple of weeks ago. They took out take siding at and moved everything up a number. So line 5 would now be for speed restrictions and line 6 would be for activation failure of grade crossings

  by CSX Conductor
As RailJunkie mentioned, the EC-1 Form was revised a few weeks ago (Monday 7/24/06/ @ 0001 hours) and therefore all of the CSXT EC-1 books are no longer to be used as they are no longer the correct format.

  by BigMike
Hey if you check your bulletins , like your supposed to, you would see that they were changed.............. :-D

  by rcbsd45
And this is, of course, assuming you can find the actual books to stuff in your grip with the rest of the 20 volume encyclopedia set we have to carry....

  by CSX Conductor
Yes Ralph....remember when Jim Decker bought all of those "CSX Conductor Albany Division" bags because he realized that we have alot of papers to carry. Um, hello?!? Why spend money on bags instead of saving money by cutting down the amount of paper used?!? :P

  by Wanderer
rcbsd45 wrote:And this is, of course, assuming you can find the actual books to stuff in your grip with the rest of the 20 volume encyclopedia set we have to carry....
ONLY 20 volumes?? :P