• New England-bound Coal

  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in Pennsylvania
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in Pennsylvania

Moderator: bwparker1

  by R&PEditor
PA-origin coal is planned (based on corroborating rumors) to head to Bow NH via CSX. At least one train is likely en route. What is the likely origin, and what route they will take to Albany NY? Many thanks.
  by pumpers
I don't know about the route, but it is unlikely to be a regular occurrence. It's no longer a base-load plant and doesn't run much. From a news article in September entitled: "Merrimack Station power plant almost never runs these days, but not because of protests" https://www.concordmonitor.com/merrimac ... h-28840181
Fair-use quote:
In fact, said Andrews, even though Granite State Power has owned the plant for two years it hasn’t had any coal delivered by rail. The mountains of coal left behind by Eversource have sufficed and may last this winter as well
  by Ironman
I know it came through Cleveland and Buffalo and over the Mohawk Sub. to Selkirk. It's getting ready to leave Selkirk now for it's trip over the B&A and to the Pan Am at Worcester.
  by pumpers
Going through Cleveland doesn't sound like Pennsvlvania coal, although maybe to maximize the CSX mileage it went west to get on the old NYC main heading east.
  by R&PEditor
Newell PA to Willard OH, then east. CSX all the way to Worcester MA.