• Official Maine Eastern Thread

  • Discussion about the M&E, RVRR and SIRR lines of New Jersey, and also the Maine Eastern operation in Maine. Official web site can be found here: www.merail.com.
Discussion about the M&E, RVRR and SIRR lines of New Jersey, and also the Maine Eastern operation in Maine. Official web site can be found here: www.merail.com.

Moderators: GOLDEN-ARM, cjl330, mikec

  by MEC407
thebigham wrote:^The photo caption says there is a new owner. True? Or just going to the M&E in NJ?
Going to M&E in NJ.
  by DogBert
If they don't get sold their future probably isn't very bright.
  by Watchman318
The 764 and 3573 were westbound one last time this morning. They went through Warren shortly before 10:30. I don't know if any freight cars were along for the ride.
  by Rockingham Racer
I'm curious. Why are there two separate Maine Eastern threads?
  by MEC407
Fair question. They should probably be merged. A while back there was some debate about where would people be more likely to look for it — the New England forum or the M&E forum? — and there were valid arguments for both. In a day or two Maine Eastern will be a fallen flag so that adds a new wrinkle to the previous debate.
  by gokeefe
I would suggest taking the current "Maine Eastern" thread in the New England forum and renaming it to "CMQ Rockland Branch". I do not think starting a new thread or moving the thread is a good idea. I'm assuming this "official" thread will close perhaps with a link back to the new thread. The alternative would be to move the thread to CMQ/MMA forum but I think that decision should be delayed for at least a year for the sake of the readership.
  by MEC407
My initial plan was to leave the New England forum's Maine Eastern thread where it is for archival purposes, and start a new Rockland Branch thread in the CMQ forum. The reason for that is simply because I believe CMQ ops are best discussed in the CMQ forum, rather than making forum participants bounce around among different forums to discuss one company. But I'm open to other thoughts and suggestions.

As far as this thread in the Morristown & Erie forum, that's not my call; it'll be up to the M&E forum's three moderators (!) to figure that one out. But if they want to move it over to the New England forum and have me merge it into our Maine Eastern thread, I'm happy to do that.
  by MEC407
Now that Maine Eastern has shut down and the Rockland Branch has officially been taken over by Central Maine & Quebec Railway, further discussions of present and future Rockland Branch operations will be posted in the CMQ Rockland Branch thread, found here:


Thanks again to Maine Eastern Railroad and their parent company, Morristown & Erie Railway, for their excellent stewardship of the Rockland Branch for over a decade. They will be missed.
  by backroadrails
At the end of 2018 the Maine Eastern will have been gone for 3 years.
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