• retired Bi-level Metra Cars in Cadilac MI?

  • Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in the American Midwest, including Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Kansas. For questions specific to a railroad company, please seek the appropriate forum.
Pertaining to all railroading subjects, past and present, in the American Midwest, including Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and Kansas. For questions specific to a railroad company, please seek the appropriate forum.

Moderator: railohio

  by AtlantaHudson
Whole slew of them just north of town in the GLC yard, appear to be ex-CB&Q Budd Gallery cars, rd lettered PMIX ?
I'm thinking either cheapo transit district, tourista operation or maybe just sitting on them?
Anyone know what's going on with this?
  by Btcaub
They're / were for Michigan's proposed MiTrain, an Ann Arbor to Detroit "commuter" service. 23 cars (7 cabs and 16 coaches) were refurbished by the Great Lakes Central Railroad (GLC).

http://www.semcog.org/uploadedFiles/Pro ... ochure.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Admin note: The link appears to be dead now. Do not be surprised if you get a 404 error.
Last edited by John_Perkowski on Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:23 pm, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Probable dead link.