• JCRHS Jersey Central 2015 Calendar

  • Discussion of the CNJ (aka the Jersey Central) and predecessors Elizabethtown and Somerville, and Somerville and Easton, for the period 1831 to its inclusion in ConRail in 1976. The historical society site is here: http://www.jcrhs.org/
Discussion of the CNJ (aka the Jersey Central) and predecessors Elizabethtown and Somerville, and Somerville and Easton, for the period 1831 to its inclusion in ConRail in 1976. The historical society site is here: http://www.jcrhs.org/

Moderator: CAR_FLOATER

  by kilroy
The Jersey Central Railway Historical Society's 2015 Jersey Central calendar is now available for $11.00 plus shipping and handling of $4.00.

This year we feature photos by Al Robert, Kermit Geary Sr., Walter Zulig, Walter Appel and several other photographers.

  by CNJ Fan 4evr
Will there be calendars at First Frost meet next week?
  by kilroy
JCRHS will not have a table there. Some hobby shops that carry out calendars may be there and have them for sale but I don't know that as a fact.

They are available on-line if you don't find one there.