• Albuquerque New Mexico Rail Runner Railrunner

  • General discussion of passenger rail systems not otherwise covered in the specific forums in this category, including high speed rail.
General discussion of passenger rail systems not otherwise covered in the specific forums in this category, including high speed rail.

Moderators: mtuandrew, gprimr1

  by Backshophoss
All the crews of NMRX,BNSF and Amtrak play well together, sometimes when SFS is out running,it's gets interesting,
but works with NMRX DS to keep everything running.
  by Amtrak7
As NMRX seeks a new operator, one of the things in the RFP is a train by train ridership count:

http://www.mrcog-nm.gov/images/stories/ ... Counts.pdf

Cab car carries 141, coach 151.

Not too shabby, the really empty runs are needed deadheads anyway.

(for those intrested, track charts are also available)
  by Backshophoss
MRCOG and NMDOT have joint resposabily for NMRX,NM law requires contract to put up for bid anyway,
Herzog will retain the contract,Amtrak will take a peak,but may not want to deal with joint operations with the
Santa Fe Southern shortline/tourist train between CP Hondo and the Santa Fe Depot.
Herzog is nonunion,but all crews of NMRX,BNSF,Amtrak,AND SFS crews play well together.
  by fl9m2004
Went on the railrunner last year
Really nice ride
Saw the southwest cheif near Albquerque
The former F40 behaved really well
Crew was great
  by Backshophoss
NMRX uses the MP36-3c running on Bio-Diesel fuel to boot,Herzog keeps a trackmobile around for work train service,
can lease BNSF power if needed at $500 a day.
  by fl9m2004
It looked really clean
I guess they wash and clean them after a couple of days work
  by Backshophoss
Herzog washes when weather permits,overnight the coaches are cleaned/serivced as needed,seat backs and cushions are dry cleaned
when heavy cleaning/PM's are done.
  by fl9m2004
That's good to know
They really have nice coaches
Went to Santa Fe and back to Bernaleo not sure on how to spell that
Are there any plans to expand beyond Santa Fe
And how far does tracks go beyond there
  by Backshophoss
At present there're no expansion plans,2 stations to open in the future(Montano and Zia Road),rebuild 2-3 passing sidings(Chloe,Los Lunas,
and Alameda),fill in the CTC gap between CP Abajo and CP Hahn,then finally install PTC per Federal mandate.
Amtrak's Southwest Chief(#3+#4) may get rerouted in 2015 to the BNSF Transcon,and will run on the Belen-ABQ trackage and turn on the wye
at Abajo then back into Dwtn ABQ station.

Informal long term planning may include Santa Fe-Las Vegas NM service(the state has canceled buying Lamy-State Line(Raton) trackage :( )
Socorro-Belen-ABQ service if BNSF allows a bypass track to be built at Belen.
  by fl9m2004
Thanks for information
I'm sure if they expand cars on trains will increase


  by Jeff Smith
I'm afraid Belen will never happen: SantaFeNewMexican.com
Governor: State scrapping deal to buy BNSF track
New Mexico’s railroad to nowhere is no more.

Gov. Susana Martinez’s administration has reached an agreement for the BNSF Railway Co. to pull the plug on a never-completed purchase of about 180 miles of track, and the company will refund $5 million fronted by the state for the line by her predecessor.

The governor made the announcement early Saturday after the Legislature approved a proposal offering a tax break to BNSF on locomotive fuel if the company makes investments to upgrade its rail infrastructure. The measure will extend similar tax treatment that previously was granted to the Union Pacific Corp.

The administration doesn’t want the track from Lamy, a small community near Santa Fe, to the Colorado border. The state estimated it would need to spend $8 million a year just for maintenance and routine improvements of the track.

Former Gov. Bill Richardson’s administration had paid BNSF about $5 million in 2008 for the rail line as part of a larger deal to obtain track to start the Rail Runner Express commuter service between Santa Fe and Belen.
Gilbert B Norman wrote:Today New Mexico, Tomorrow the World!

Brief passage:
Governor Bill Richardson, during the July 17 dedication ceremony of the New Mexico Rail Runner Express commuter service, said that train service from El Paso, Texas to Denver, Colorado is a vision that "will happen."

Richardson did not attach any timeline to the prospect nor talk about where funding would come from for such a lofty project. The current goal on the state's agenda is to expand service from Belen to Santa Fe by 2008.
New Mexico Business Weekly
  by Backshophoss
The "backdoor" deal to get the same Tax break on loco fuel that UP got for building the Santa Teresa yard,it was Gov.Martinez's idea to kill
the purchase of Lamy-State Line(Raton) section when she was elected.
BNSF has started Track projects near Vaughn and Fort Sumner single track sections on the Transcon,completed the new wye track,
connecting the Transcon to the El Paso Sub allowing El Paso bound trains to bypass Belen yard.
There's a possibilty of a Natural Gas fueling facilty for locos to be built in Belen as well.

There's been a unconfirmed rumor that the Santa Fe Southern shortline has suspended service between Santa Fe and Lamy,
reason unknown.
SFSR and NMRX shared the track from CP Hondo to the Santa Fe Depot.
  by Jeff Smith
Further elaboration from someone in the industry from the government side: SantaFeNewMexicon.com

I found the article/letter/op-ed very well-written, dispassionate, etc.
Reader View: Decision to give up rail line has consequences

...Recently, the state chose to dissolve the agreement between the Burlington Northern and the state of New Mexico for the north-south scenic rail alignment, a stretch of rail line from Lamy to the Colorado border. Yes, millions of dollars will be returned to state coffers and used for needed road and related highway projects. However, the state may be foreclosing on a rare option and opportunity.

The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, successor to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Co., which originally built the line in 1878, is responsible to its stockholders and therefore obligated not only to stay profitable, but to divest itself of unprofitable holdings, such as the line running through Lamy, Las Vegas, Raton and north to Trinidad and Denver. The line has had negligible traffic and been maintained to minimal track standards for several years. Because of that sustained deferred maintenance, Amtrak is now looking at alternative routes through the state, possibly west, from Clovis, to offer improved safety for its passengers.

The railroad, once in repossession of the alignment, will be free to petition the federal Surface Transportation Board for permission to abandon the line, terminating all service on it and selling the rails and ties to the lowest bidder. The property under the rail, or right-of-way, would go back to the hundreds of adjacent Mora, San Miguel, Santa Fe and Colfax County landowners, thus making it impossible to reassemble at any future time for any future purpose.


Perhaps the line might have been rail-banked. Then, the state would have retained the option to preserve the contiguous alignment for future generations and retained an alternative transportation option for a growing and an aging Southwestern population.
  by electricron
Jeff Smith wrote:Further elaboration from someone in the industry from the government side: SantaFeNewMexicon.com

I found the article/letter/op-ed very well-written, dispassionate, etc.
Reader View: Decision to give up rail line has consequences

...Recently, the state chose to dissolve the agreement between the Burlington Northern and the state of New Mexico for the north-south scenic rail alignment, a stretch of rail line from Lamy to the Colorado border. Yes, millions of dollars will be returned to state coffers and used for needed road and related highway projects. However, the state may be foreclosing on a rare option and opportunity.

The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, successor to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Co., which originally built the line in 1878, is responsible to its stockholders and therefore obligated not only to stay profitable, but to divest itself of unprofitable holdings, such as the line running through Lamy, Las Vegas, Raton and north to Trinidad and Denver. The line has had negligible traffic and been maintained to minimal track standards for several years. Because of that sustained deferred maintenance, Amtrak is now looking at alternative routes through the state, possibly west, from Clovis, to offer improved safety for its passengers.

The railroad, once in repossession of the alignment, will be free to petition the federal Surface Transportation Board for permission to abandon the line, terminating all service on it and selling the rails and ties to the lowest bidder. The property under the rail, or right-of-way, would go back to the hundreds of adjacent Mora, San Miguel, Santa Fe and Colfax County landowners, thus making it impossible to reassemble at any future time for any future purpose.


Perhaps the line might have been rail-banked. Then, the state would have retained the option to preserve the contiguous alignment for future generations and retained an alternative transportation option for a growing and an aging Southwestern population.
New Mexico could make a trail (hiking or biking) out of the old SF rail corridor without buying it. With relatively low grades, it would make a great trail.
  by Backshophoss
The Railrunner is holding it's own,started construction on the Montano station,Zia Road is still on hold,
and the cost($$$) the PTC mandate has made the rounds in the local media.
Herzog still has the operating/maintance contract with MRCOG/NMDOT.
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