• CONSTANT Spammers!

  • General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.
General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.

Moderator: Jeff Smith

  by charlie6017
This is more for the people whom have spent countless time over the years battling spammers: I'm just
venting. I have deleted 10 Spam messages in the last 6 hours--all from the same person, and obviously
that's just in the forums that I moderate.

I really wish that something would be done to actually stop these spammers, rather than just keep doing what
we have been doing. Constantly deleting messages has been very tedious for a Looooong time!! Just tired of it!!

  by MEC407
I feel your pain...
  by Rockingham Racer
Thanks to both of you --and other moderators--for the time you spend.
  by charlie6017
Thanks Rockingham, glad to see it's appreciated.

  by MEC407
Very appreciated... and big thanks also to Jeff Smith, who deals with this spam crap day in and day out.
  by Eliphaz
mods' work is never done, tiresome toil, but not thankless, for what its worth-

Thanks for keeping up with it and maintaining a nice forum.
  by charlie6017
I have deleted 42 (FORTY-TWO) spam messages in the moderation queue the last TWO days and
those are just in the forums I moderate! Now Come ON!!! Is anything further going to be done to combat
the spam? Because if not, I really don't want to moderate any more--Evan isn't apparently going to do
anything further because I'm sure he's getting paid for the unique clicks.

Makes me want to vomit!!

  by charlie6017
I actually sent Evan a message (actually 4 tweets) via Twitter. I think he may realize I wasn't a
very happy camper. I feel better now though!! :-D

  by MEC407
I've currently got 58 messages in the moderation queue for the forums I moderate, and I would guess that at least 57 of them are spam. This is, by far, the worst single-day spam attack I've seen in the almost 10 years I've been a moderator here.
  by charlie6017
I have 12 more since the last time I posted here........screw it--I'm not deleting them....at
least not tonight. This is ridiculous.

  by Aa3rt
They're everywhere! While my forums haven't been hit too badly, the website that I moderate for our local amateur radio club has been constantly bombarded for about 2 weeks now and I'm sometimes deleting 40 to 50 messages a day with no end in sight!
  by MEC407
66 new spam messages in my forums this morning (on top of the 58 I had last night). Gross. And it's not just an inconvenience; it makes it really difficult to find any messages that may be from legitimate new members who are currently under moderation. I'd hate to accidentally delete a valid message because it was lost in the sea of spam. :(
  by Aa3rt
Yes, it seems to have picked up overnight, I found about a dozen myself.
  by charlie6017
The guy I really feel bad for is Jeff. He's the one that has to delete messages as well as banning/deleting
these spammers. The idiot that owns the site is the one that I blame because I'm sure there are things that
can be done to help alleviate these problems.

Bravo, Evan...........bravo.

  by MEC407

10 new spam messages in my forums just in the past hour.