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General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.

Moderator: Jeff Smith

  by toolmaker
I'm not experiencing the problems others have. I use 2 machines to view this forum and I get 1 popup/day. That's it one time and its done until the next day. If that keeps the site free and owners fed, I'm happy too!
  by prr60
toolmaker wrote:I'm not experiencing the problems others have. I use 2 machines to view this forum and I get 1 popup/day. That's it one time and its done until the next day. If that keeps the site free and owners fed, I'm happy too!
You're lucky. I've been checking a couple of times today. Sometimes I can load several pages without a pop-under, then I get them one after another. After about five minutes of clicking around the site, I now have eight pop-unders open.

I'm hoping this is just some bad setting that can be corrected. That is why I keep checking. I can't believe that ResourceWebs, a pretty savvy internet company, would think that burying railroad.net members under dozens of pop-unders is a good business practice. I had no problems with a single pop-under a day (or even one each time I load the site), but eight in five minutes nested one over the other is way over the line.
  by Jeff Smith
Honestly, I haven't seen an increase. I get the "one a day" and I usually avoid it as it's blocked, I close the window, reopen, and avoid the pop up that way. I will ask Evan, though.
  by Patrick Boylan
I also have seen no change in pops lately. I use firefox. When I first go to rr.net I get 1 popup blocked message, then when I click a topic I get 1 popup. Subsequently in the same browser session I get no more popups. I get no popunders.
Are you guys who see too many pops using firefox?
  by MEC407
Yes, I'm using Firefox 14.0.1.
  by Patrick Boylan
Me too. in your prior message you said you have popupblocker enabled. That's tools>options>content>block popup windows, and you have it checked off, is that right?

I also have tools>options>tabs>open new windows in a new tab UNchecked. It's a long shot but maybe that has something to do with it?
  by MEC407
Oddly enough, things started out better this morning... I browsed a bunch of topics and only got one pop-up (and five notifications that pop-ups had been blocked).

So, just now, I came back to the site to report that things were getting better... and I got five or six popups just while trying to navigate from the front page of the site to this thread (along with several "pop-up was blocked" notifications).

Yes, I have the Firefox pop-up blocker enabled, and I have Firefox configured to open new windows in a new tab instead. I've had it set that way ever since they introduced tabbed browsing years ago. I'll try un-checking that option and see if that makes a difference, but I hope it's not that because I greatly prefer new tabs over new windows, especially when using my laptop.

I'm also going to delete my railroad.net cookies and see if that makes any difference. I'm not sure why it would, but I'll try it anyway. I don't have any hair left to rip out.
  by Patrick Boylan
I dislike tab browsing, since I haven't gotten around to learn the keyboard shortcuts, assuming they exist, to navigate between tabs. When you get to be my age you'll appreciate keyboard shortcuts that help stave off tenderitis and crappy tunnel syndrome that I feel mice aggravate.
I hate meeces to peeces. Didn't we spend several hundred millions of years trying to evolve 10 fingers? Why are we so eager to use a clicker that needs only 4 fingers, and makes us keep them arched so painfully?
  by MEC407
I deleted my railroad.net cookies as well as any/all cookies that appeared to be from ad servers. I came back, logged back in, and things seem to be a little better. I think I've gotten two pop-ups and two "pop-up was blocked" notifications.

I love keyboard shortcuts and use them whenever possible. I understand where you're coming from. I use CTRL-TAB to navigate between tabs and it works marvelously.

My Mac laptop has a lovely trackpad that puts any mouse to shame. I still use a boring ol' mouse on my PC desktop, though.
  by MEC407
I tried turning off the "open new windows in a new tab" setting, and that did seem to help a bit. I don't understand why that would make a difference, but it did. Thanks for the suggestion!

Nevertheless, the fact remains that RAILROAD.NET is serving up a lot more than just one pop-up per day per user, as we were previously told. I don't like having to make big changes to my browser settings simply to make ONE web site usable, when every other site on the web was able to "play nicely" with my old settings. Please do bring this up with the owners, Jeff. Thanks.
  by Jeff Smith
In all seriousness, don't forget to do a scan for malware, etc. I hate to say that since it's painfully obvious. I'm not sure why some are affected and others aren't. It's like the maxim on building a better mousetrap; the mouse just gets smarter. I am the master of mixed metaphors, by the way.

I'm using i.e. I've tried Chrome and really don't care for it. Can't say what the issue with FF would be.
  by MEC407
Thanks Jeff. I'm vigilant about malware and have not found any (yet).
  by ApproachMedium
I am seeing the same results as usually on 3 different machines all running google chrome. Two windows 7 and one Ubuntu linux machine. I keep them in top shape no malware or spyware.

For the person who was curious about tab navigation, CTRL+TAB key switches between tabs just as ALT+TAB switchs applications on any machine.
  by MEC407
OK, so far it's me, prr60, charlie6017, and ApproachMedium who are on record as having seen a marked increased in pop-ups... anyone else? Please also tell us what web browser you're using.
  by prr60
Safari 5.1.7 on Mac OS 10.6.8
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