• Moderators and their signatures

  • General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.
General discussion about the RAILROAD.NET site, forums, or content ONLY. Please do not post your general railroading questions, please choose an appropriate forum. For help using the site, please post in the Help Using RAILROAD.NET Forum.

Moderator: Jeff Smith

  by chris123678
DutchRailnut wrote:get in line kid ;-) I have been trying for 16694 post now LOL
Yeah, i seen some other moderators post about the voluenteer moderators.
I guess it won't happen. Thanks for the response.
  by Patrick Boylan
after the 1st thousand posts I would have guessed the reason the reason would have to do with quality and not quantity.
Otto Vondrak wrote:it would help the site admins know who their volunteers are.
Are you saying the admin, isn't that now Jeff Smith, appoints moderators without knowing their real contact info? If so, then grandfather the presumably trusted current moderators, and don't appoint new ones unless they give contact info.
As hinted at in some posts, why do the common posters need to know who the moderators are?